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Showing posts from April, 2019

Procedures that can Enhance your Looks

The age and time never forgot to leave their impression on the skin. Luckily, we have procedures that can reverse the hands of time. Skin is meant to look beautiful, and we have a number of procedures that can make our skin and hair look as fresh as possible. We have enlisted 5 such treatments that will help you look younger and beautiful. 1.    Hair Transplant: It is one of the most commonly opted surgical treatments around the globe. It is a surgical technique through which surgeons help the patients grow hair to a bald or balding part of the body. The hair follicles are taken from one part of the body known as ‘donor site’ and transferred to the bald areas known as ‘recipient site’. This is a common procedure used to treat male pattern baldness. There are many clinics that offer Hair transplant UK .  2.    Lip fillers: Lips lose their volume and grace with age. They become dry and the skin shrinks. Plumping your lips or adding volume to them is an easy task. There are many na

How to Defeat Ageing?

They say age in inevitable, we say we will beat it. This is the truth of today’s time. No one wants to lose his youth and beauty at any cost. People are ready to go through the unnatural ways to preserve their beauty. Thankfully, there are many popular, safe and 100% efficient non-surgical ways to retain your aesthetic looks. Here, we have mentioned a few most common procedures. Hair Transplant: Hair loss is the most common phenomenon of age. As we age, hair start losing their grip and shine. Even a stressful lifestyle, results in bald patches and low volume of hair. Hair Transplant is a sure shot treatment to this problem. In the procedure, hair grafts are extracted from some other part of the head and are embedded in the bald areas. It improves the overall volume and growth of hair. Your hair start looking and growing like natural hair in a time period of 6-8 months. There are many clinics that offer Hair transplant in London. Botox: Skin loses its elasticity with age and wrinkl

Eyebrow Hair Transplantation Guide | LHTC

Eyebrow loss may come as a surprise but it is something which is hard to reverse. There can be numerous reasons behind like thyroid disorder, hormonal disturbance or genetic factors but the solution is one, eyebrow hair transplant. A perfect eyebrow shape is not something everyone is born with, it has to be achieved. It may be out of norms in some parts of the world but eyebrow hair transplant is quite popular in London. This eyebrow hair transplantation guide will help you uncover the layers of the surgical procedure. Which technique is involved in the process? The process is carried out by the FUE hair transplantation technique. In the process, the hair follicles are individually replaced so that no traces are left behind. The hair are scraped from the neck but it does not leave any scars. The procedure is used to improve the density of the eyebrows or to craft completely new eyebrows at all.     Is the surgery painful? The surgery is almost painless since local anaesthesia is use

3 Most Popular Cosmetic Treatments in London

Every human has an innate desire to look beautiful. Beauty satiates them mentally and makes them more confident, active and attractive. The fading away of beauty may result in lower confident levels for some humans. There are professions which want you to look beautiful throughout. But, the age is defiant. It is vital and takes over your natural beauty over a course of time. There is no way everyone can get behind the knives to enhance his beauty. That is where cosmetic treatments take over the charge. There are many non-surgical cosmetic treatments that are quick and can help you maintain your natural beauty without putting your health into any kind of risk. We have enlisted top 3 of them. Botox: Botox till date remains the oldest and most popular cosmetic treatment. There are many experienced physicians that offer Botox treatment in London . The treatment includes injecting Botulinum toxin in the skin around your eyes and lips. The chemical controls the facial muscles from expandin