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Showing posts from April, 2020

How does FUE hair transplant work?

If you are considering undergoing a hair loss treatment in London then it becomes essential for you to understand the different methods that can work. There are two popular hair transplant methods known as FUE and FUT. Both differ in the number of hair follicles removed and transplanted at a time.  FUE (Follicular Unit Extraction) is one of the most popular ways of hair transplants. It is a kind of surgery where individual hair follicles are extracted from a donor part of the body and implanted into the affected areas. The hair is usually taken from the sides or back of the head. The treatment is preferred for the classic horseshoe area of the men who suffer from male pattern baldness. FUE is especially known for its reduced recovery time, limited scarring and suitability for the patients who have tight scalps.  What is the procedure? We have divided the procedure of FUE hair transplant in London 6 small steps. • Local anesthesia injections are given in the scalp to

10 Questions you need to ask before Cosmetic Surgery

Whatever cosmetic treatment you are going through whether it is breast augmentation, liposuction, hair transplant or a facelift, you need to go through extensive research. It is essential to get answers for your every question so that you can embrace the treatment confidently. Who will you see at your consultation? Make sure you get to meet the surgeon and not the patient coordinator who is simply a sales executive. Only a doctor or surgeon will be able to deliver the right information and the set of requirements. Also, make sure to keep a ‘cooling-off’ period of 2 weeks between the consultation and operation. This way you will get ample time to realise if cosmetic surgery is right for you or not.  What is his qualification? Do check if the cosmetic surgeon is a certified GMC specialist or not. They are normally qualified plastic surgeons and mention FRCS after their names.    Are the surgeon and hospital fully-insured to tackle things if anything goes wrong? Make